Infant Coordinator's Message

Halide Atasay

Dear Parents,

It has come to the end of term 1 and I would like to congratulate all students, teachers and parents for their hard work and effort they have put in so far. All students settled to the academic year and begun new adventures. They were able to have a smooth transition and were eager to learn and develop in confidence. Students are displaying great social and emotional development in their classroom and in the school yard.

The Infant department work closely together to overcome any problems your child may feel whilst at school. We promote a safe, supportive and respectful learning environment where positive relationships are actively promoted. If you are concerned about your child's wellbeing at school you may report this to your child's teacher. We will investigate the situation together and try to support you and your child as much as possible and include you in discussions about possible strategies.

This week students were given the opportunity to engage in various activities and learn about Harmony Day, Multicultural Day and Anti Bullying Week. The information and strategies below may help you and your child if you have concerns relating to their well being. These issues are also constantly reinforced in the classroom.


At school we support your child to learn valuable life skills, such as building relationships, seeking help and decision making. The school environment teaches students to understand to be assertive, get along with others, face challenges and make new friends.

At home parents can help their child to build resilience by:

Making home a safe and happy place, praising your child for good behaviour, behaving appropriately with family and friends and making time to talk to your child on a daily basis.

Making Friends-

Teachers can identify which children are confident, good at interacting with others and those who are more reluctant. Teachers arrange their classrooms according to everyone's needs.

As parents you can teach your child that their friends may change from time to time and that they play with different friends. However ensure them that their friends care about them still. Whether your child has one special friend or many friends doesn't matter as long as they are happy and content.

Let's work together to ensure that a positive start to school can establish a child's readiness to learn and develop confidence. Importantly happy and healthy children learn better.

I would like to wish all our families a very well deserved term break. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday.


Mrs Atasay
Infant Coordinator